all postcodes in PR7 / CHORLEY

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR7 2AA 42 16 53.651983 -2.630842
PR7 2AD 1 1 53.650664 -2.633893
PR7 2AL 18 3 53.651804 -2.630518
PR7 2AT 9 5 53.650327 -2.627776
PR7 2AX 25 0 53.651607 -2.630503
PR7 2AY 36 0 53.651387 -2.629622
PR7 2AZ 35 0 53.651264 -2.629091
PR7 2BA 39 6 53.650993 -2.62942
PR7 2BB 15 0 53.650395 -2.630319
PR7 2BD 25 2 53.650822 -2.629142
PR7 2BG 6 0 53.650524 -2.6297
PR7 2BN 6 5 53.649855 -2.628677
PR7 2BQ 6 1 53.650572 -2.629051
PR7 2BW 39 0 53.652657 -2.634271
PR7 2BX 15 0 53.653041 -2.636546
PR7 2BY 10 2 53.652454 -2.635236
PR7 2BZ 38 0 53.651569 -2.634391
PR7 2DA 18 0 53.651105 -2.635337
PR7 2DB 5 0 53.651748 -2.634469
PR7 2DD 28 2 53.650858 -2.634471